Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

She made it!

My mom is pretty cool. This is her after walking 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk in Washington D.C. Last night I picked her and my dad up from the airport, and she was somehow still in one piece. She has a handful of blisters and possibly a broken toe, but she was full of fun stories from her 3 days of walking. 

My parents stayed a few days after the walk for a mini vacation in D.C. The area they stay in (Friendship Heights) when they visit D.C. has tons of swanky stores. 

When I saw the picture with Tiffany&Co. I asked my dad if he bought my mom a charm bracelet for finishing the walk, with a blister charm or a broken toe charm? He said no, and that he'd probably have to see a special kind of jeweler for charms that gross. It's too bad Tiffany doesn't sell blister charms though, because even something that gross would be fun coming from a little blue box. 

October Birchbox

Eating around Orlando: Olde Hearth Bread Company