The Hofreiters

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She made it!

My mom is pretty cool. This is her after walking 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk in Washington D.C. Last night I picked her and my dad up from the airport, and she was somehow still in one piece. She has a handful of blisters and possibly a broken toe, but she was full of fun stories from her 3 days of walking. 

My parents stayed a few days after the walk for a mini vacation in D.C. The area they stay in (Friendship Heights) when they visit D.C. has tons of swanky stores. 

When I saw the picture with Tiffany&Co. I asked my dad if he bought my mom a charm bracelet for finishing the walk, with a blister charm or a broken toe charm? He said no, and that he'd probably have to see a special kind of jeweler for charms that gross. It's too bad Tiffany doesn't sell blister charms though, because even something that gross would be fun coming from a little blue box.