Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Chicken with Creamy Red Sauce and Bowtie Pasta

I love pasta. I love creamy red sauces. This is how two of my favorites came to be friends. It's really not hard, I just made lots of tiny steps. 

Step one: Make or heat up red sauce.
Step two: Stir in some heavy cream that has been sitting around in your fridge, and might expire soon.
Step three: Add something healthy, like baked/grilled chicken, sauteed mushrooms, and peas
Step four: Make noodles
Step five: Put sauce and noodles on a plate
Step six: Top with a large pile of Parmesan

Step seven: Eat until you feel like you'll never eat again.
Step eight: Get your husband to clean up the mess

Pam Nails Update

From one bat to a colony