The Hofreiters

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Spring Break 2015

The biggest perks of working for a college (when you're full time) are the forced vacations, Christmas break, Spring break, Thanksgiving break... they're great. Last week the college was closed SPRING BREAK! Woo Hoo!!! I didn't jet off anywhere exotic, but I definitely enjoyed a week away from the office. 

The first weekend of Spring Break we dusted off the hammock, fixed a couple of frozen drinks and I attempted to use hot rollers for the first time. It was interesting to say the least. 

Sunday night we went to The Food Truck Bazaar at Fashion Square Mall, it was delicious but a little chilly, so we only ended up getting food from three trucks. First, picadillo and chicken pesto empanadas from La Empanada Truck, no pictures because we were so hungry, then we tried two new ones, Midnight Sun Ice Cream Sandwiche Co. and SMAC Food Truck

Wednesday I met two friends from work for lunch and then coffee and shopping and more coffee. I also tried the new Chick Fil A frozen lemonade on my way home. I love drinks. 

Thursday I went to an event called Meet + Make hosted by Sarah of Sarah Hearts. It was awesome. We painted a set of 4 glasses, while eating snacks and making new friends. I'll post more on this soon. 

Friday I left for a beach weekend with four awesome ladies, and we had so much fun we're doing it again next month. Nothin like a good girls weekend to finish off Spring Break!

Quiet morning beach, afternoon beach from the covered balcony, and sunset on the wrong coast. 

How pasty white girls dress for the beach, Key Lime pie for Pi day, scary looking but pretty jelly fish, Trader Joe's 2 buck chuck wine tasting.