Adult Coloring Book
I don't know how to relax. It's honestly a struggle for me to "relax" so it's pretty much doesn't happen. I don't even think I relax when I sleep. So when I'm worked up over something and someone tells me to "just relax" I want to freaking scream.
I feel like that's not a great way to live life, so I bought myself a Stress Relieving Patterns Coloring Book. I love to doodle and my favorite part of working at a preschool, other than eating goldfish, was coloring. Now to make this even more fancy and adult, I bought some fancy pants colored pencils and a fancy sharpener.
See how fancy, they came in a metal case and everything.
Look at all of those lovely choices, TWO layers of colors. I CAN'T wait!
This Friday I am going to go sit somewhere that isn't my house or my office, drink coffee and color. I'm not going to lie, this might be the only thing getting me through the week right now.
Watch out world... your about to see someone color almost in the lines.