The Hofreiters

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Fave Five Friday: October 9

1. Friends that help me clean my ridiculously hideous office.



Ridiculous right?! Thanks Miranda and Sonya!

2. Kaioen Coffee opening in Oviedo. 

Read about my first visit here!

3. Pumpkin Pie Ice is back at Jeremiah's Italian Ice

4. Arrow and The Flash are back on TV!! 

I love Arrow and The Flash and I am so glad they are back on TV!! And I'm even more glad that they are on Hulu because I haven't been home to watch them on broadcast this week. Because in case you didn't know, we're way too cool for cable.

5. Christopher comes home today!!!

I know the number five spot is usually reserved for Whine About It, but this week that punk COMPLAINED about FALL. So I couldn't share that video. I love fall too much!

Christopher has been working out of town for two whole weeks and I am so ready for him to be home again! I'm so excited that on Monday I won't have to bring the trashcans up form the street and that someone else could run into publix for me on the way home so I don't have to get out of the car and risk sweating. I'll finally have coffee in the mornings again, because lord knows I'm not responsible enough to fix myself breakfast before work. I can't wait to give Christopher a hug and then ignore each other while we watch Netflix until we fall asleep. It's gonna be good to have him home.