The Hofreiters

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Christmas with Us 2015

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Here we are in our Salsa Red Sleigh! Bringing cheer, cookies, and presents to everyone!

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Look how pretty our tree is!

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A fresh box of Lowery's Candies is pretty much the way I kick off Christmas now that Kimber is my sister. Thank you Christmas Jesus for bringing her to me.

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This year we went to

Tuba Christmas

for the first time. It was awesome and I'm not sure how I've been left out of this fun for so many years.

Christopher and I always have a packed Christmas day, so we usually open presents on the 23rd or 24th depending on how busy we are on those days. This year we opened presents after everyone left Christmas Eve dinner at our house.

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Christopher loves Hot Wheels Cars

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I love coffee, and I don't love people before 10AM. It makes working with the public a special challenge some days. Coffee helps.

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 Lucy loved her new toys and bones!

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Santa brought Christopher a new laptop for when he travels for work.

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Santa brought me a CRICUT!!! Now... how the heck does this thing work. All tips and tricks are appreciated!

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Us celebrating Christmas at Popsicle's house for the last time. We put up his tree and ornaments and ate a couple of giant roast beasts. It was lovely.

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 This is Josh taking a picture of me taking a picture of him. We're weird. I know.

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Nana and Grandpa with baby Molly.

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Christopher making a face and Jake eating a snack. I love to capture precious moments like these!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.