Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

First Day and Carpooling

On Monday I started my new job. I'm writing this a lunch on Tuesday. As you can see my office was all kinds of a wreck when I got here Monday. I had all of my own stuff, plus the supplies from the person before me, plus it was a new office for these supplies so they were all just kind of tucked into any cabinet they fit in. I spent most of Monday pulling everything out, clorox wiping my office, and trying to get stuff put away. I have a funky counter for a desk so I don't have drawers and it's killing me. I hate having stuff out on my desk so any ideas you have for organizational supplies are more than welcome.

I used our interoffice mail service to mail most of my stuff to my new office, so It was nice to not have to move all of that myself. I still need to bring in my wall art and some kind of drawers or bins to keep my purse out of sight and maybe a lamp.

It's nice to work with a couple of my long time work friends again and the drive is DEFINITELY better to this campus. Not to mention the lunch options are amazing! I already have a "to eat for lunch" list!

Day two has been a little smother so far, but not without it's hiccups. I wasn't able to get a new ID card (mine is 5+ years old and they have changed the format) because I didn't have the old one to turn in. Is this the Pentagon? Fort Knox? Disney World? NO! So now I have to go home and dig around until I find the old one, and then make sure my hair looks nice again tomorrow. Frustrating.

On Monday, Christopher and I decided to carpool!

My work isn't really on Christopher's way to work, but it's not far either so we decided we will carpool some days and I am so excited because I HATE driving.

Being a passenger at the crack of dawn is so much better. I just sit and listen to Morning Edition and I don't have to worry about traffic or lights or idiots. I can just drink my coffee and wake up.

So even though on the days we carpool I will have to get to work early and have to stay a little late it's totally worth it.

Metro Diner - Breakfast

Motivation Monday, February 8