Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Hunger Street Tacos

On Thursday Christopher and I tried Hunger Street Tacos. They just opened this week in their new home on Fairbanks Ave. in Winter Park. If you've been around Orlando for a while, Hunger Street is in the original 4Rivers building. It's still best to park at the church across the street and walk over, I wouldn't spend time trying to park in their 6 car parking lot.

The building is beautiful! When you go inside to order your food, the room is bright and fresh feeling, the menu boards are simple and easy to read. Just a heads up if you order chips and guacamole they give it to you right away so don't leave without it!

I love the huge murals everywhere, inside they have one painted on wood planks, and there is a beautiful one outside (see the first picture). I also really like the tile pattern on the counter. 

Finally, the food! They bring your food out as it is ready, so you don't get everything all at once. 

Christopher got their hibiscus flower tea, which was really good and so pretty.

The first thing that came out was our brisket taco. It had delicious brisket, onions, cilantro, and guacamole. This was Christopher's favorite thing we tried. 

 Next we got our chicken tinga quesadilla, it has chicken in a special sauce and cheese. This was my favorite thing we tried!

Our third item was a mushroom quesadilla, with mushrooms, garlic and cheese. This was our least favorite thing we tried, but I think it's because we are mushroom appreciators and not mushroom lovers. If you love mushrooms, get this.

This is the brisket quesadilla, it's pretty similar to the taco, with brisket and guacamole, but this has cheese. This was really good, I ate the edges where the guacamole didn't touch.

As we were finishing up our last bites, they brought us another mushroom quesadilla on accident and then we felt bad that we didn't like it enough to eat it. 

Overall, we really enjoyed Hunger Street Tacos. I am a picky eater so there weren't a lot of items I was interested in trying, but what I did try was fresh and tasted great. We love the changes they made to the building and we can't wait to see what else is in store for this cool little place.

Birchbox: January 2017

DIY Sofa Table