The Hofreiters

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Friday Favorites: May 5, 2017

Welcome to the first edition of my new series, Friday Favorites! 

I've decided to bring back a favorites post on Fridays. I used to call it Fave 5 Friday, but sometimes I didn't have 5 favorite things or I had more than 5 and I'd struggle to make 5 things work, so this time I am just going to call it Friday Favorites. 

This is what I'm loving this week!

Share a Coke is back!

So if you see someone digging through the Coke cooler at the end of the checkout lane, try to be nice to me. Also, if you see a Natalie, I want it so much!

Goop and bananas

In my family we eat a magical food called goop, you probably eat it too. The recipe for goop is pretty easy, mix honey into peanut butter to taste, eat by the spoonful. I've had this snack twice this week and now my work peanut butter stash is gone. MMMMMM peanut butter. 


I forgot how much I like listening to Podcasts. So I've been trying to get caught up on some of my favorites. I also mentioned last week that I found three positive podcasts I was going to try and so far I haven't liked two of the three I found. I still need to try Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert, but I love Freakonomics, and I am done with Serial season 1 and S Town, but I need to listen to Serial season 2 still. Also, I'll read or listen to anything Gilmore. 

Super Easy Homemade Salsa

It is Cinco de Mayo, I had to mention chips and salsa. 

Better Call Saul Season 2 on Netflix

We are so behind on our favorite shows, including Better Call Saul, so I was so excited to see season 2 was on Netflix. For all I know it's been on here for months, but I just found it on Monday.

This stuff is gentle and leaves my face feeling really clean. It's one of my favorite drugstore skincare items right now. 

Well pals, those are my favorites for this week! What have you been loving lately?