The Hofreiters

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Replacing the Green Carpet

Well friends, we finally started replacing the green carpet! We actually started this project over my spring break in March, but I kept wanting to wait until we were done to post about it. Once I realized this is going to take us forever working one weekend a month, I decided that I might as well give you a sneak peek.

We started in our bedroom because I knew that the project would take time and I wanted our sleeping space to be disturbed for the shortest amount of time possible. Sleeping in the living room is surprisingly difficult, because whoa bright. We don't have heavy curtains anywhere in our house except our bedroom and I love the dark. I needed to be able to get back into my cave as soon as possible.

We also repainted our bedroom. When we moved in we painted the walls light grey but I just felt like it was too light, so we went up a shade to match the grey in my office. We liked that grey so much in fact that we bought 10 gallons of it and are painting our entire house that color.

This is us after day one. If only we had known how very many days were left.

We have a pretty good system, I help Christopher take out the carpet or in one hallway the old laminate, then I take out the baseboards, we paint the walls if needed, then he lays the flooring while I paint the baseboards, then he installs the baseboards and we touch up any spots that need it with paint. Repeat X what feels like a million.

It's too windy and there are too many bugs outside to paint on the back porch, I learned that the hard way with a door early in this project, so I have been painting inside on some plastic sheeting.

Literally waiting for paint to dry. Might as well act goofy.

This is the living room with floors, baseboards, fresh paint and Lucy.

 My brother says you can't tell that we got rid of a ton of books, but we only have vases on the top shelves now. I'm very proud of us. We still might have too many books. It took a long time to take them all out and put them all back. When we put them back I did reorganize them and stopped trying to make the dewy decimal system work. We don't have enough books for that to work well and look nice.

We bought rugs! And now you can kind of see the sofa table that Chris built for me. It's in the top right corner of the picture. I love that thing!

This is the almost finished room, we still hadn't put the round game table back yet when I took this picture, it goes where Lucy's bed is. And we still haven't hung things on the wall, but honestly that's not surprising anyone. I still need to buy frames for the Rifle Paper Co. prints I'm planning to hang, and I've  had these prints for maybe a year or more. Oh well.

 The TV side of the living room.

We need to build or buy furniture that actually matches, our living room is a mixy matchy melting pot of free and Ikea furniture. The mixy matchy doesn't bother me that much, which I find surprising, but Christopher hates it. Like HATES it. So one day we'll get around to making this space a little more cohesive. One day. When I'm not tired from this project anymore. Maybe.

Since I took these pictures we have repainted the stripes in the hall, painted the dining room, and started replacing the front hallway flooring. More pictures to come soon.