Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

UFO Welcome Center: Bowman, SC

UFO Welcome Center: Bowman, SC

Yeah you read that title correctly, UFO Welcome Center.

We drive to VA when we visit my parents and it’s a long drive, like 12-14 hours depending on traffic, weather, the universe. We like off the wall pit stops, so when I found the UFO Welcome Center on GoogleMaps while searching for weird crap, I knew we HAD to stop.


I want everyone to visit this bizarre place. It is fascinating, scary, definitely unsafe, and sketchy AF, but amazing at the same time.


The UFO Welcome Center is built out of junk in a man’s side yard, surrounded by the excess junk either not yet used or not needed. All of this mystery is surrounded by a fence with messages to the visitors that arrive by land or air.

It’s amazing how someone could build something so large out of absolute trash and it just stays up.

We wandered through the first floor (there were three floors!!!) of this situation taking it alllll in, avoiding cracks in the floor and the tetanus hiding around every corner. It was incredible in the most bizarre way, so we popped a $20 in the donation box, thanked the man, and away we went.

I’ve been trying to convince other people to go, but so far nobody has made the detour to visit the magical UFO Welcome Center. If you’ve been or decide to go, let us know in the comments.

31 Things I am Grateful for October 2021

31 Things I am Grateful for October 2021

Austin & Waco, TX 2021

Austin & Waco, TX 2021