The Hofreiters

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31 Things I'm Grateful for July 2023

We’re deep into summer now and I hope you are staying cool and finding things to be grateful for despite the sweat. This month I am grateful for:

  1. Seeing Beetlejuice The Musical

  2. Celebrating mom and dad’s 40th wedding anniversary with almost the entire extended family

  3. Night floating

  4. America (but like get it together girl, you’re drunk)

  5. Matching ice cream with one of my nieces

  6. Jeremiah’s

  7. Pub Subs

  8. Seeing horses while stuck in terrible traffic

  9. My first baby pepper

  10. Watching a rain storm from the porch

  11. A diffuser attachment for my hair dryer

  12. A few hours with Carrie & meeting Norm

  13. Lunch at Potbelly

  14. My carrots are actually growing

  15. Buying lemonade from a lemonade stand

  16. Dairy Queen on National Ice Cream Day

  17. Working from Wolf Hills for the first time in forever

  18. New lettuce growing in my garden

  19. Libraries

  20. Another year of Joshua

  21. Clean sheets

  22. Tagging along on Christopher’s work trip to CA

  23. Visiting our second Presidential Library, Richard Nixon

  24. A warm peanut butter cookie

  25. A trip to LUSH

  26. West coast sunsets

  27. Visiting Disneyland & California Adventure

  28. Lemon Dole Whip

  29. Fireworks

  30. Biscoff cookies on Delta flights

  31. Coffee in bed

I hope you had a nice July. What are you grateful for this month? Let us know in the comments.