Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Halfway Through 2024

Halfway Through 2024

We’re halfway through 2024; let’s do a little recap.

I made four goals for 2024: get a new job, move to a new home, start a new tradition, and get a new hairstyle. I got a new hairstyle, sort of. I got a new color and had three inches cut off the length, so new enough.

I also got a job! I start in July! More about the job soon.

We’ve traveled to Clearwater, FL, Nashville, TN, Indianapolis, IN, Muncie, IN, Cincinnati, OH/Newport, KY, Durham, NC, and Outer Banks, NC.

I turned 38 and Lucy turned 16.

I built a raised garden bed all by myself.

We saw the solar eclipse in the path of totality, and it was totality cool.

We’ve seen fireworks shows at two baseball games this month, and they have been pretty nice. God bless Tennessee and their love of explosions.

We’ve had a lot of fun this first half of the year, but we’ve also had some frustrations. I’ve struggled with my anxiety and depression, and Lucy is ancient and on the edge of death. We tried to buy another house; it was historic and all brick, with original wood floors and trim, a decent yard, and walking distance from downtown Bristol. We were outbid twice. That was our last attempt to buy a house here for now. We’re heading back to Florida for now. We’ll see what the future brings.

30 Things I am Grateful for June 2024

30 Things I am Grateful for June 2024

The Restaurant at Damascus Old Mill Inn

The Restaurant at Damascus Old Mill Inn