Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Speculoos Cookie Butter

Before Trader Joe's opened in Winter Park I searched the internet for lists of people's Trader Joe's products. One thing that was on almost every single favorites lists was Speculoos Cookie Butter. So the first time I went to Trader Joe's Cookie Butter was on my list. It looks good, has a thicker than peanut butter but similar type texture and smells like graham crackers crossed with ginger snaps. I wasn't sure what to put it on so I just ate it off a spoon. I wasn't super impressed. It was good but I haven't felt the need to crack open the jar a second time. I'm kind of wondering if I could make cookies with it or something just so it doesn't go to waste.

July Birchbox

Delicious New Snack