Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

When your baby brother turns 20

On Sunday my youngest brother turned 20. Of course like most Scottish families, we celebrated with lunch at our favorite Puerto Rican restaurant, Guavate. We are always the only white people in the joint. It makes us feel special. After lunch we had a dessert buffet, because why have just one birthday dessert?! We had spiced angelfood cake, homemade pumpkin ice cream, pecan pie bars, and Oreo brownies. It was delightful. 

Jake said he wanted a pony for his birthday so of course I couldn't resist getting him one. 

I don't think he is going to enjoy it as much as I enjoyed buying it, but that's ok. It was still worth it. 

Jake turning 20 makes 30 feel a lot closer. For the next almost four months until I turn 30 both of my brothers and I will all be in our twenties. I need to think of something special for us to do until this happens again in 10 years when we're all in our 30's. 

Happy Birthday little J. Enjoy your twenties, they'll be the most fun yet. Promise. 

Finally... Fall!

Fave Five Friday: September 18