Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Fave Five Friday, October 2

1. An amazing weekend with Bianca and Amber

We spent last Saturday in South Carolina and Sunday in Savannah!

2. Jake came to clean!

I'm recovering from a sinus infection this week so I asked my brother to come help me clean up a little. It's really nice to have family around. hehehehehe. He even brought me a large tea!

3. Sick Days

I had a really busy beginning of the week at work so I've been running on E for a while. Thursday I finally felt like I could take a sick day and just sleep, pet Lucy, and actually take all of my medicine on schedule for once. I didn't even realize how much I needed that.

4. Dinner with my parents twice in one week

Christopher was traveling for work this week, so it was nice to not eat dinner alone every night. Just another reason it's nice to have family around.

5. Whine About It

These posts really are four things I liked this week plus Whine About It, because this guy NEVER disappoints.

Motivation Monday, October 5

Sunday in Savannah