Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Football in the REAL South

Over the weekend Bianca, Amber, and I took a little road trip to Columbia, South Carolina to see our Knights play the South Carolina Gamecocks. 

Friday evening we loaded up Amber's car with a ridiculous number of Vera Bradley and 31 bags, and a cooler with snacks and drinks, and set off on our way. We rolled into Columbia around 2AM and pretty much went straight to bed, we had a 9AM tailgate to get to. 

 9AM is kind of early for a tailgate if you ask me, so I only have a picture of my sticker. Just imagine a couple hundreds of Knights fans that got a little bit wet in the rain waiting to get into an indoor tailgate, eating breakfast, and drinking. Oh, and there were cheerleaders! They did tricks!

We walked over to the stadium in the misty rain, even though the damn weather man said it wasn't supposed to rain. Liar. Anyway, all of the Gamecocks fans were super nice and one even offered to take a group picture for us!

Some of Bianca's DC Knights friends met us at the tailgate, and hung out with us after the game. We had a lot of fun together. 

This is me NOT being thrilled with the rain. 

Our seats were pretty awesome, we got to see both of UCF's touchdowns up close. The first half of the game was AMAZING. At halftime we were winning 14-8. We thought MAYBE this would be the game to turn our season around. We were doing SO well. And then, the rest of the game happened. So let's focus on how Bianca, Amber, and I are awesome fans. So awesome that we drove all the way to South Carolina and sat through the misty rain to watch our Knights get their asses handed to them. 

We cheered the whole game, we chanted, we sang the fight song, we high fived our neighbors, and I even shared some skittles with a stranger. 

The game may not have ended in our favor, but our Knights did better than I predicted

After our devastating loss we hit up downtown Columbia to eat and drink away our sorrows. First, we went to Liberty Tap Room, we had a perfect table in the bar and got there right in time. That place was PACKED. If you're ever in Columbia and you stop in Liberty, DO NOT get the pretzel, it was hard, dry, and it took two hours for our pretzels to show up.

After Liberty, we went to Carolina Ale House, where we sat on the roof top patio, ate dessert and fried pickles, and kept drowning our sorrows. I'm so glad we had Bianca's friends to cheer us up after the game.

No matter how bad this season gets, we've already started planning our away game trip for next season. Go Knights!

Sunday in Savannah

30 Things I'm Thankful for in September