Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Gifting Cash to Teens

I have some younger cousins that just want Ca$h Money for Christmas or their birthdays. They are saving up for cool gadgets or to go somewhere with their friends, and dude cash is an easy gift to pick up. But I hate to just stuff it in a card so I usually try to wrap it with/in something.

This year I decided to wrap it in a mason jar full of Christmas M&Ms.

I put the cash in a snack size bag and then I used a sharpie to give the presidents mustaches, hats, and convo bubbles that said, "Merry Christmas"

I tapped a piece of washi tape to one of the corners of the baggie, rolled it up, and shoved it into the jar full of candy.

I folded a piece of tissue paper over the top and put the lid on. Just add a sticker label on top and BAM! Cash wrapped in candy!

As a gift wrapping bonus, this is how I wrapped a 4 pack of beer for my dad. I wrapped the box, then each bottle in a piece of tissue paper, and wrapped the whole thing with a bow.

I love wrapping!

Christopher's First Kilt

The Hofreiter's 4th Annual Gingerbread House Building Party