The Hofreiters

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The Hofreiter's 4th Annual Gingerbread House Building Party

I can't believe that 2015 marked our FOURTH Gingerbread House Building Party! Over the years we made countless creations with our friends using graham crackers, royal icing, and a whole lot of candy.

Even though this year I forgot pretzels AND ice cream cones, and will never live it down, I think people still had fun.

Obviously I have to show off my own house first! This year I made a little house, just one square by one square. It had lots of snowy yard, a pond with a fish, and a snowman!

The boys thought it would be awesome to burn the gingerbread houses that people didn't want to keep. Look how pleased they are with themselves. Dorks.

In an effort not to forget people's favorite building supplies, I have started a Gingerbread House Building Party Spreadsheet. If you are interested in hosting your own Gingerbread House Building Party let me know and I'll share it with you! It's a lot of work, but absolutely worth it.

I 100% recommend keeping this an adults only party, kids will need a crap load of help to build houses, and then you can't drink as much sangria. Plus, it's fun to do a kids activity without kids, why do you think we own so many legos and a K'nex roller coaster...

I can't wait for the 5th Annual Gingerbread House Building Party this year. I think I might have to dream up something special to make such a special occasion.