Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

La Nouba at Disney Springs

La Nouba at Disney Springs

On Saturday night Christopher and I got to see La Nouba. One of my friends had two tickets to La Nouba on Saturday that he wasn't going to be able to use and he gave them to us! I had never seen La Nouba, but Christopher had, and I hate being the only one that hasn't done something, so I was really excited!

The people that perform in that show are amazing. Swinging around on sheets and trapezes, jumping on trampolines, jumping bikes, it's all so incredible to watch. When it ended I was genuinely sad it was over.

After seeing La Nouba, we went to Ghirardelli for sundaes.  I got the World Famous Hot Fudge Sundae (right) and Christopher got the Treasure Island Warm Brownie Sundae (right). I would give these desserts a big huge meh. The hot fudge wasn't hot in either sundae and the brownie in Chris's wasn't warm. Considering these sundaes were $12 each I was expecting to at least want to finish my treat, but neither of us did. If you are in the mood for a hot fudge sundae you'd be better off with one from McDonald's or Dairy Queen.

After our treats, we wandered through the giant Disney store and looked at the big Lego sculptures.

It was a lovely night out and I'm so thankful for friends that make fun happen at just the right time, thanks Joe!

Pecan Pie Stuffed Spice Cake with Maple Frosting

A Cheesecake Project: Chocolate Hazelnut Crunch Cheesecake