I try to bring my lunch to work as often as possible. This way when I do go out for lunch I can justify going somewhere a little nicer or getting coffee and/or dessert too. But, becasue I usually bring my lunch I tend to eat in my office. I close my door and turn off my lights and read, or watch Netflix, or work on blog posts, while I eat.
My door has a pretty big window that I am not allowed to cover, so I have a huge problem with people coming into my office to ask me questions while I'm at lunch. I used to be nice about it and answer their questions quickly, but as I learn to pay attention to my needs and set boundaries I have had to straight up say "No, I'm at lunch, come back later". People might think this is mean, but I can't keep working through my break. This is when I recharge, convince myself that the future will hopefully be fine, and probably have a quick cry, if I'm being honest.
Sometimes I put up a sign like above or lock the door and ignore people that knock, but it is so frustrating and it makes me feel so mean. I need to make a pretty sign that I can laminate or something that is a decent size and will cover most of the window, but I just haven't decided on what it should say. I would love to put "GO AWAY!!!" but that might be a little too strong.
Do you eat in your office at work? How do you get people to leave you alone so you can eat and reread Harry Potter in peace?