Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for in October 2017

1. UCF Football is RANKED! (25 in AP and Coaches)
2. Fun face masks
3. Dinner with my parents
4. A fresh hair cut and color
5. Surprising Christopher for his birthday in Washington

6. Another year of Christopher
7. Visiting Canada for the first time

8. UCF moving up in the polls 21/22
9. Getting seats together on both of our flights home

10. Seeing Lucy after 5 days away
11. Playing in the snow at the top of Mt. Rainier

12. Our first cruise to celebrate amazing friends

13. The privilege I was born into, I need to appreciate this more often
14. Ordering 3 desserts
15. UCF #20 Daaaang son
16. Naps when I don't feel well
17. Soup
18. The IT Crowd on Netflix
19. A fun trip to IKEA
20. On Your Feet!

21. A fun day with Molly

22. UCF #17/18!!!
23. Hannah bringing me a McDonald's coke
24. Fun coworkers
25. Hashbrowns
26. Having Trader Joe's close by
27. Food and Wine date night
28. Record breaking UCF football game
29. UCF #15!!!!!
30. Hilarious friends
31. Halloween!

Our Mt. Rainier Adventure

Exploring Seattle and Tacoma Washington