30 Things I am Grateful for: November 2018
1. A UCF Football win
2. Jersey Boys with Christopher
3. Remembering David's life
4. Celebrating family birthdays
5. Lazy Moon and Comedy Knight with funny friends
6. Elections
7. Mental Health Counseling
8. Starbucks Happy Hour
9. Getting to work with Jen again for the last year, I'll miss you at work soul twin.
10. Seeing Stacy at the UCF game
11. The men and women who have served our country to protect the freedoms we enjoy
12. Snapchat + the fun filters
13. Not having a broken car in our driveway anymore
14. A surprise latte
15. Frozen Mocha from Panera
16. Sneaking in some pre-Thanksgiving Christmas music
17. UCF W over Cincinnati with the whole country watching on ABC in prime time, 23-0
18. Animal Kingdom Safari
19. New Christmas decorations from IKEA
20. New Trader Joe's reusable grocery bags
21. A 5 day weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving
22. Thanksgiving
23. Another UCF Football W
24. Lunch and Orlando Philharmonic Concert with Kera
25. A little furniture rearranging
26. Another year of Gerardo
27. Another year of Jenn
28. Chicken noodle soup
29. A few days of cool weather
30. Hello Dolly with Christopher