Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

The Thanksgiving Flu

This year Christopher ended up with the flu the week of Thanksgiving, so not a very festive beginning of the Holiday season for him.

I went to my parents house for Thanksgiving while Christopher napped and it was one of the smallest groups since I've been alive. We had 21 family members, and could definitely feel the absence of Popsicle and my Aunt Barbara. This was our first Thanksgiving without Barb and it's still hard to believe she won't be at the family gatherings. The last two times we've celebrated things together my first thought has been, I wonder what snack or treat Barb will bring.

I'm thankful for the family we have around, and the time we have together.

On Friday, I went to Target and Petsmart and was injured during my shopping trip. I think I cut my thumb on either a bag of dog treats or the zipper of my purse. Either way, this is why you should shop online.

After shopping on Friday, I made some chicken noodle soup for Christopher, and as soon as he was feeling better on Monday, I got bronchitis. Happy Holiday Season to us!

I hope you  had a great weekend either eating, or shopping, or napping, or watching Netflix, or decorating, or watching football, or doing whatever it is that makes you happy. 
30 Things I am Grateful for: November 2018

30 Things I am Grateful for: November 2018

Happy Thanksgiving 2018