Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

What We've Been Watching on Netflix

Photo by on Unsplash

I love a good Netflix binge, don't you? 

Christopher and I enjoy snuggling up on the couch with Lucy and watching TV, so I figured I'd share what we've been into recently.

Making a Murderer Part 2

THIS SHOW. So many twists. So many turns. So many scientific tests.

Schitt's Creek

These people are so extra, I can barely handle it. I laugh so much when I watch this show. You can't help but love these spoiled weirdos.

Big Mouth

I really didn't think I was going to like this show, but then I remembered I am pretty much still 12, so puberty jokes are right up my alley.


This is a little darker than my usual watch, but if you liked Breaking Bad, watch Ozark. It's deep, dark, freakishly real, and I am 100% worried I might end up a money launderer on accident.

The Office (again)

There are a handful of shows I could pretty much always watch and this is definitely one of them.

What have you been watching lately? 

Lucy's Favorite Trader Joe's Products for Dogs

Feeling Famous at The Glass Knife