The Hofreiters

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Trader Joe's Winter Haul 2019


This Trader Joe’s Haul is magnificent. I love peppermint, and treats, and holiday foods, so basically Trader Joe’s is currently a wonderland.

Let’s start with the dry goods. We have some fun snacks, candles, and a beauty advent calendar. So let’s check this excellent mess out.

Household/beauty seems like a festive way to start this haul. We started using the Trader Joe’s dishwasher detergent recently, and so far we’re happy with it.

This is the first time I have bought candles at Trader Joe’s, but these seemed pretty legit. They are unscented, smokeless, dripless, paraffin wax candles.

Next we have the 12 days of beauty advent calendar. This is a peak at what is inside. I am pretty excited to try these things out.

Now, snacks!!! Here we have sparkling cranberry juice, gingerbread cake mix, naughty and nice dog treats, mistletoe, organic cracker assortment, brandy beans, dark chocolate covered peppermint Joe Joe’s, dark chocolate orange, nutty praline trio, and the taste test of caramels.

I’m planning to serve the crackers and nutty pralines at my annual gingerbread house building party, and the taste test of caramels and brandy beans will be dessert for a December family dinner. My youngest brother loves chocolate oranges, so I always get him one during the holidays. Trader Joe’s also sells a resealable bag of chocolate orange segments, in case you don’t want the hassle of cracking the orange open.

The dog treats are obviously for Lucy, we get her all the seasonal bones from Trader Joe’s, she is currently enjoying the turkey and cranberry bones shaped like turkey legs.

I’ll be hanging the mistletoe as part of my Christmas decor. I can’t wait to get started with my Christmas decorating the day after Thanksgiving.

Now let’s take a look at the cold and frozen seasonal treats. On this second trip to get season items I got peppermint hold the cones, egg nog, cheesecake in a bite, essential oil gift set, fondue cheese, scalloped potatoes with quattro formaggio, herbaceous cheesy bites, mini croissants, Mitoko’s vegan butter, chocolate gnocchi, cheese blintzes, and of course tulips.

Heelllooooo cheese! I have never tried any of these items, so I am pumped to get my hands on all these treats. I love cheese, and fondue is one of my favorite special occasion foods.This fondue cheese will make that so much easier, all I need to do now is cut up some bread, fruits, and veggies and get dipping!

These mini croissants can be baked from frozen, no need to thaw! I hate waiting, so this is perfect.

Scalloped potatoes and crispy cheese bites.. yes and please.

Hold the cone is always an excellent treat, but peppermint ice cream hold the cones, are my very favorite. These other treats are new to me, I am planning to serve the cheesecake in a bites at our gingerbread house party, the egg nog will be my after dinner treat every night from tonight until I run out, and y’all, chocolate lava gnocchi, are you kidding me?! I cannnnot wait to make these little beauties.

The most delicious cone of the year!

This essential oil kit is so cute, and would make a nice little gift. I am thinking of bringing it to work to keep in my office. There were a handful of felt diffuser colors to choose from.

Just in case you are wondering why I bought vegan butter, it’s so I can make vegan Rice Krispies treats for work during the holiday season. The Trader Joe’s marshmallows are vegan, so with the addition of vegan butter, TADA, a delicious vegan holiday treat!

That’s it for this Trader Joe’s haul. Did you see anything you want to try? What are your favorite Trader Joe’s seasonal items? Let us know in the comments.