Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for May 2019

31 Things I am Grateful for May 2019

  1. Mental health counseling

  2. Coffee in the handmade mug I bought from a student that perfectly fits my hand

  3. A box full of greeting cards from Curly Girl Design

  4. More flowers bloomed from the seeds I planted

  5. Tea with Josh and playing with my nieces

  6. Picking blueberries, peaches, sunflowers, and zinnias at Southern Hill Farms

  7. Lucy kisses when I’m feeling sad

  8. My brother working with me

  9. Celebrating mom’s birthday at a new restaurant + a blizzard flight

  10. Another year of Hannah

  11. Coffee delivery

  12. Mothers, especially mine.

  13. Gideon’s Bakehouse cake

  14. Getting to see David Sedaris live

  15. Getting my hair done - head massage, hair wash, is anything better?


  17. Floating and lunch and milkshakes with Hannah

  18. 12 days in London and Paris to celebrate love

  19. Walking around London with Christopher

  20. Seeing Kensington Palace - Hi Wills and Kate and the kids!

  21. Delicious Persian food

  22. Seeing the sights from the Sky Garden

  23. Spending the day at the British Museum

  24. Taking the Eurostar to Paris

  25. A fancy French dinner

  26. Visiting Versailles

  27. Playing at Disneyland Paris

  28. Enjoying our last day in Paris

  29. Having our bid to upgrade our seats accepted for the flight home

  30. Another year of Bianca and Carrie

  31. Floating in the pool with Christopher before getting back to “real life”

London 2019

London 2019

Seven Years of Home Ownership

Seven Years of Home Ownership