Natalie & Christopher in Germany

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We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Walt Disney World

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Walt Disney World

Galaxy’s Edge is finally open! We were luck enough to visit during opening weekend, mostly because Hurricane Dorian’s uncertain path caused a lot of people to change their Disney plans. After making sure our outdoor furniture and plants were secured in the garage, we didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the nearly empty Disney World Parks.

The entrance to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

The entrance to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

You walk through this rough tunnel to get into the land of Galaxy’s Edge. When you emerge on the other side, it really is like being on a new planet. Just with the same shitty weather.


This is the view after rounding the first bend into the land.

These are a few details from the first area you encounter in Galaxy’s Edge, including CHEWIE!!


I mean, y’all, this place is great and we aren’t even to the best part yet.


This is the entrance to the market area where Toydarian Toymaker, Creature Stall, Jewels of Bith, Black Spire Outfitters, Kat Saka’s Kettle, Ronto Roasters, and Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo are. We just walked through taking pictures and gawking at the imagineering. It is such a cool area.

Even the bathrooms are really well themed.


Helllllooooo falcon. The Millennium Falcon is amazingly intricate. We spent so long just admiring all the little parts on the outside.

Here is the top of the Falcon from the indoor queue for Smugglers Run. So many cool parts, right?!

Smugglers Run was a cool ride, Christopher got to be an Engineer and I was a Gunner. I can’t wait to ride it again and try and get Pilot!

Then out another tunnel, and you’re back on Earth.

I’m excited for Rise of the Resistance to open in December! From the articles I’ve read, I think it will just push this whole experience over the top. May the Force be with us.

Have you been to Galaxy’s Edge yet? What was your favorite part? Let us know in the comments.

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