The Hofreiters

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2022 Word of the Year: Hygge

Each year I choose a word that represents something I want to be intentional about or work toward. In previous years I have chosen, Simplify (2018), Thrive (2019), Joy (2020), and Connect (2021). This year I chose Hygge.

Hygge is the Danish concept of creating a cozy atmosphere where you can have a warm beverage and read a book, or cook a meal to share with a couple of friends, and just enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

A couple of years ago I read The Little Book of Hygge and really felt like I needed SO MUCH more Hygge in my life. I have tried to add it here and there with cozy blankets for the living room, nice sheets for our bed, lamps instead of overhead light, candles, and of course warm beverages (my favorite).

I am easily overwhelmed, so this year I plan to dive deep into cozy and focus on all aspects of the Hygge lifestyle/concept to help calm my anxious mind and allow more spaces in our home to give us comfort.

In an effort to stay on task I am going to focus on a few key things each month and I’ve made lists for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to stay grounded, cozy, and connected.

In January I am focusing on decluttering, lighting, and baking bread.

I went through my rarely used craft supplies and made a couple of donations bags, one for my teacher friends, and one for Goodwill. Then I added new lamps in the living room and our bedroom for additional ambient lighting. Now I am waiting for my first loaf of bread for the year to rise so I can bake it tonight to go with dinner.

Daily Hygge

  • read

  • drink a warm beverage (preferably in a mug)

  • light candles

  • have a treat (a small piece of chocolate, a cookie, or similar)

Weekly Hygge

  • fresh flowers

  • bake something

  • take a long shower with fancy products

  • go on a date

  • do something outside

  • spend time alone doing something for me

Monthly Hygge

  • hang out with a friend or small group of friends twice

  • send snail mail

  • no social media for a day

So far I’m pleased with my word choice for 2022. The last couple of years have been hard for everyone, and that meant struggling to find joy and connection amidst the global pandemic. This year I wanted to choose a word that might help me through the next phase of Covid, and the beginning of a scary health scavenger hunt to figure out what’s going on with my blood, because it is jacked the fuck up.

So cheers to a new, hopefully cozier, year in 2022.

Do you choose a word of the year? Let us know what you chose this year in the comments!

Title graphic photo by Mukul Wadhwa on Unsplash