Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

The Great Escape: Into the Unknown

The Great Escape: Into the Unknown

I’ve jokingly decided this move is our great escape from swamp life. There is nothing quite like a Florida summer to help you feel like leaving is the best possible move you can make. When it’s 8:00 PM and feels like 102 degrees, and even the pool water is too warm to be refreshing, we felt like we had definately made the right choice to seek out a new home with seasons.

We will obviously miss our family and friends, the beach, almost all year round pool floating, and the food and drink options in Orlando, but this move (that we are still very much in the midst of) has already lifted a huge emotional weight for me. I already have more energy, I’m happier, I feel like there is a version of life where I can do things I enjoy and be creative. I am so grateful that we get to have this adventure, whatever it ends up being.

So far we’ve sold and moved out of our first house, made a temporary home in a hotel until I was done at my job, packed a bunch of our shit in and on top of our cars, and drove 14 hours north to my parent’s house in Virgina.

Because Chris works from home his job will stay the same just in a new location, but I am officialy unemployed for the first time since I started babysitting at like 12 years old. I am planning to spend my time exploring the areas near my parents, writing, drinking coffee on a porch, snuggling with Lucy, taking time to rest and recover from years of feeling horrible at work and hating my job, and generally trying to find out what I want out of this next chapter of life. I usually run far, far away from the unknown. I don’t typically enjoy the unplanned. But right now I am embracing the unknown, letting things unfold however they do, and just going with the flow - something I NEVER in a million lifetimes would have though I could do.

I’ve worked very hard over the years to get more comfortable with the ideas that everything I need, I have, that I can do what is best for me and not just what makes other people happy or comfortable. So for the first time in 36 years, I am letting it all go. I am following my bliss or whatever.

Working in Higher Education AKA The Bad Place

Working in Higher Education AKA The Bad Place

The Great Escape: Putting Our Life in Storage

The Great Escape: Putting Our Life in Storage