The Hofreiters

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Christopher Turns 38!

I am so grateful to celebrate another year of Christopher. 25 years of birthdays together and hopefully many, many more to go.

The last year has been exciting, intense, overwhelming, and full of adventure for us. It ended up being the last year of living in Florida, our first Thanksgiving in Virginia, painting our first barn quilt, celebrating Jacob’s UCF graduation by petting a sloth, our first Scottish Highland Games just the two of us, a trip to California, we got Covid, celebrating love at Boris & Jen’s wedding, lots of pool time, packing 98% of our stuff into PODS, moving to VA, quitting my job, house hunting in two states at the same time, a trip to Michigan and Canada, our first Washington County Fair, and a trip to Seattle for a cruise to Alaska. It’s been a big year, because we go big.

Christopher, I hope this year you feel just how deeply you are loved, how much Lucy and I appreciate you, and know how important you are to our family.

Cheers to another trip around the sun, babe. Let’s go big again this year.