Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Candy Pop Taste Test

Candy Pop Taste Test

I love me a taste test. The sillier the better. This time I convinced my family to taste five flavors of popcorn, four Candy Pop flavors and one Cookie Pop flavor.

Of course we had to rate and rank the flavors, so I made a tiny spreadsheet to collect our data. This was VERY scientific, hahahaha.

We were not impressed with any of these popcorns, but holy shit the Sour Patch Kids Candy Pop was an abomination. Like burn it to the ground, barf.

Collectively we kind of found all the others to be equally meh. Like not horrible, but not great. Snickers was very peanut forward. Butterfinger didn’t really taste like butterfinger, but wasn’t horrible. Oreo smelled more like oreos than it tasted like oreos, and the orange chocolate/candy melt drizzle was kind of off putting. I liked the m&m’s flavor best, but it still wasn’t much to write home about.

Basically, don’t waste your money on this stuff. If you want a candy coated popcorn that isn’t trash, the Reese’s popcorn is pretty good.

Have you tried anything interesting or weird lately? Let us know in the comments so we can try it too!

Dollar Tree Valentine's Day Craft

Dollar Tree Valentine's Day Craft

Friday Favorites - February 3, 2023

Friday Favorites - February 3, 2023