The Hofreiters

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These two infants have been married for 15 years.

We’ve had three addresses, one perfect dog, visited 30 states + DC, two Canadian Provinces, five countries, countless ridiculous roadside attractions, and chased two eclipses.

Even though it hasn’t all been a great time, we know how to party.

Below: Our first Black Friday I-drive shopping experience (2009), our first anniversary dinner (2010), Christmas (2011), Closing day on our first house (2012), my brother’s wedding (2013), family pics (2014), beach (2015), Las Vegas (2016), Grand Canyon (2017), Germany for Christmas Markets (2018), London and Paris (2019), Kangaroo Farm in Washington (2020), Joshua Tree (2021), Cruise to Alaska (2022), Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs (2023).

This year we are spending a low-key week in the Outer Banks of North Carolina to celebrate our anniversary. This will be our first time visiting and I’m looking forward to relaxing, splashing in the ocean, floating in a pool, and ice cream cones.

Happy Anniversary, Christopher. I love you.