Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for May 2024

31 Things I am Grateful for May 2024

This month I am grateful for:

  1. Mini subs from Jersey Mike’s

  2. Pretty plants

  3. A cute new hair bow for election season

  4. A new leaf on my monstera

  5. Working on the porch during a rainstorm, my favorite weather

  6. Insight Timer meditation app

  7. Clean sheets

  8. 7 Brew Coffee, even if it is 40 min away

  9. More fresh eggs from my brother’s chickens

  10. Mimosa bars

  11. The perfect weather for Mother’s Day brunch at Hickory at Nicewonder Farm & Vineyards

  12. Moms, especially mine

  13. My little grow bag garden

  14. Fancy pedicures

  15. Seeing a cute fox

  16. Being married to Christopher for 15 years

  17. A trip to Outer Banks, NC

  18. Seeing a whole family of dolphins

  19. Preservation of historic sites

  20. Visiting the Whirligig Park

  21. A night out with my fetus friend

  22. Floating in a pool

  23. Spending time with our nieces

  24. Sudafed

  25. Air conditioned seats in the car

  26. Chris bringing me coffee in bed

  27. Library audiobooks

  28. Those who gave the last full measure of devotion

  29. Bestie group texts

  30. Cheese

  31. My little garden is doing well

Spring Bucket List Recap 2024

Spring Bucket List Recap 2024

World Meditation Day

World Meditation Day