Natalie & Christopher in Germany

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We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Peanut Butter Cookie Day 2024

Peanut Butter Cookie Day 2024

It’s peanut butter cookie day! Yay!

Instead of regular peanut butter cookies, which I love, I decided to be fancy and make chocolate and peanut butter macarons. If you are looking for a more classic treat for today, this peanut butter cookie recipe is great.

Start by measuring out all of your ingredients. I’ve made macarons a few times, but not enough to “eyeball it.” I also bake my almond flour to ensure it is dry; spread it on a sheet pan and bake at 200 degrees for about 10-15 min. Once your flour is dry, sift the dry ingredients.

Whip it, whip it good. Whip the egg whites, sugar, and salt until soft peaks form. Fold your dry ingredients in until ribbony.

I didn’t have a Silpat mat, so I had to use parchment paper, and I wasn’t super careful with how big I made my macarons, so they ended up bigger than usual, oops. Bang the pan on the counter to release the air bubbles and let sit on the counter until the tops dry, then bake.

I think my macarons should have baked a minute or two longer because of their size; the bottoms weren’t as dry as I would have liked. I also wish the feet had been higher. These weren’t my best macarons, but they still taste good.

Make the peanut butter buttercream, and start stuffing!

While I didn’t make my best macarons this time around, I would use this recipe again. If you’re looking for a fun chocolate and peanut butter treat to try, this is a good one.

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