Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

My Favorite Summer Activities

My Favorite Summer Activities

As you may know, Summer isn’t my favorite season, but I do love being in the water, watermelon and corn season, and ice cream. You can read more about my Summer 2024 Bucket List here.

These are some of my favorite summer activities, just in case you need some ideas or reminders of the good parts of summer.

Going to the beach, especially with Yoder’s pie in the cooler. I love a beach sunset.

Hanging out in a pool. I will go in any pool, big, small, in-ground, above-ground, inflatable, I’ll be there. I do love a pool float and if possible a cherry limeade from Sonic or a cocktail. Also, look at that cute duck that came to swim with us one time (bottom middle).

Eat summer foods, like watermelon, corn on the cob, Ranier cherries, and anything grilled.

Enjoying cold treats and drinks.

In Virginia, the summer is so mild compared to Florida that it doesn’t even seem real. Some nights it’s legit cold here. Two new summer activities I enjoy here are, gardening and spending time outside on the porch.

And last, two things specific to Florida are sitting on a porch during the afternoon thunderstorms and staying the fuck in the air conditioning.

What are your favorite summer activities? Let us know in the comments.

Peanut Butter Cookie Day 2024

Peanut Butter Cookie Day 2024

Summer Bucket List 2024

Summer Bucket List 2024