Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for July 2024

31 Things I am Grateful for July 2024

The second half of 2024 is here and it started with a bang.

I started a new job that I really like. Lucy died. Trump was shot. Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race. We have a second chance to elect the first woman president, hopefully, we don’t fuck it up. It’s been a long 31 days.

This month I am grateful for

  1. A new job

  2. Seeing Aunt Juli

  3. Cookie dough flautas from Tijuana Flats

  4. Democracy, while it lasts

  5. My first lunchbox snack pepper of the season

  6. Getting snail mail

  7. Air-conditioned seats in my car

  8. NYT Games App

  9. Frosted sugar cookies for National Sugar Cookie Day (when the internet tells you to make cookies, you listen)

  10. Funny TikTok videos

  11. Finding a new stationery store

  12. Making a cute craft with Lucy

  13. Funny TV shows

  14. Christopher always bringing me supplies when I’m sad

  15. Mom making comfort food for us

  16. Being able to give Lucy a long and happy life. 16 and a half is a pretty epic run for a girl as good as Lucy.

  17. Botanical Gardens

  18. Wake Foot Sanctuary

  19. Giant sandwiches for $6 at the Amish deli

  20. Another year of Josh

  21. Harris 2024

  22. A Buc-ee’s car wash

  23. Publix birthday cake

  24. Friends that send treats when I’m sad

  25. A new set of sparkly pens

  26. The Olympics!!!!!

  27. Giant pretzels and German beer

  28. My nieces predicting my future via MASH - I’m glad that’s still around because it’s hilarious

  29. Hoodies for when I need to feel comforted

  30. Mini cheesecakes for National Cheesecake Day

  31. The end of a really hard month

What are you grateful for this month? Let us know in the comments.

The Great Escape: Two Years Later

The Great Escape: Two Years Later

Day In The Life: July 2024

Day In The Life: July 2024