Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Day In The Life: July 2024

Day In The Life: July 2024

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared one of my days, so I figured now that I have a job and a routine I’d bring you along. I realized about 2 hours in that my day was not that interesting, but here we go anyway.

I don’t love mornings, so thankfully I don’t start work until 10:00 AM.

I wake up around 9:00 AM and Christopher brings me coffee. After I get dressed and pretend to be awake, I log in to work. I am very lucky that I get to work from home. I love a 30-second commute.

My work day started with a staff meeting and a couple of phone calls before I started working on a little market research.

Christopher and I picked up Jersey Mike’s for lunch. And yes I do get more wet toppings than dry on my sandwiches. We watched some horses while we ate.

I worked from the front porch for a bit while it rained, because I love rain. Once the rain stopped and it was just humid, I came back inside to work on a little analysis work, chatted with a work friend, and then logged off for the day.

After work, we headed to get margaritas because apparently today was Tequilla Day.

I forgot I was documenting my day after this, so that is the last picture.

I picked up a Walmart order after dinner. I had to stock up on chips and onion dip for snacking, half and half for coffee, deodorant for Christopher, bananas that were so green I might not get to eat them for a week, distilled water for our humidifier, treats for our nieces, Golden Oreos for an Olympics Opening Ceremony snack, and Nesquik strawberry milk. Standard haul if I’m being honest.

I had a piece of the Publix birthday grief cake Christopher and I bought Sunday, I can’t let a single bite go to waste. I took a shower, which was good because I hadn’t washed my hair in a wHiLe.

Finally, I watched a little Star Trek: Next Generation and typed this little treat up.

That was my Wednesday. I hope you’re having a nice day.

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31 Things I am Grateful for July 2024

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