Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

5 of Our Most Popular Posts

After nine and a half years of blogging I decided to round up my top 5 blog posts, or to be more accurate - top 5 things I've blogged about. It was really interesting to see what has garnered the most attention over almost a decade of sharing my life's adventures. I hope you enjoy this look back at the most popular posts.

#5: Frozen Bananas to celebrate Season 4 of Arrested Development on Netflix

#4: Setting Nail Polish with Pam Cooking Spray, Part 2: Nail Update

#3: Homemade Christmas Ornaments

#2: Building a buffet for our dining room in four posts

and finally the most popular post on this blog by A TON...

This hot wheels car picture from the Valentine's Day post has been pinned 20,000 times on Pinterest. Yeah, you read that correctly. TWENTY THOUSAND TIMES. It still leaves me speechless every time I see that number.

I love all of these posts and they remind me that I should work on more creative projects.

What kinds of posts would you like to see more of? Recipes, DIY house projects, travel, gift ideas, stories of me failing at adulthood? Let me know in the comments.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the love you've shown to this blog over the last nine and a half years. 

Birchbox Unboxing: August 2018

What's in my Work Bag?