Natalie & Christopher in Germany

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We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

12 Days of Baking - Day 8: Chocolate Peppermint Crinkle Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 8: Chocolate Peppermint Crinkle Cookies

I love chocolate and peppermint so when I saw these Chocolate Peppermint Crinkle Cookies on Pinterest, I knew they needed to be in my line up this year. Plus, look how pretty they are. They look and taste festive.

This one has a decent number of ingredients: flour, sugar, vanilla, salt, butter, eggs, baking powder, peppermint extract, semi sweet chocolate, oil, and corn syrup. This is the first time I've ever used corn syrup in a cookie dough. 

First, chop up your chocolate and melt it.

Second, cream your melted butter and sugar, because that's how cookies work.

Add your eggs and mix it all up.

Half way!

Mix in your melted chocolate. Look at those nice zebra swirls. Making cookies is so pretty.

After adding the chocolate  you should have a brownie batter looking mixture.

Add your dry ingredients, and mix until just combined.

Wrap your dough in some plastic wrap and let it get all cold and happy in the fridge.

Roll your dough into balls and plop a handful or so at a time into a shallow bowl of sugar. Roll 'em around to cover lightly with sugar.

After the regular sugar, plop 'em in a shallow bowl of powdered sugar and really get 'em covered.

They are like little delicious snowballs.

Put your tasty snowballs on a cookie sheet and bake.

While they bake they spread apart and get that crinkle look, after letting them cool for a minute or two gently press them down with a spatula to increase crinkles.

Then let those bad boys cool as long as you can stand it.

12 Days of Baking - Day 9: Iced Oatmeal Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 9: Iced Oatmeal Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 7: Soft, Spicy, Heavenly Ginger Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 7: Soft, Spicy, Heavenly Ginger Cookies