Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

A New Job

A New Job

I started a new job this week!

In a surprising turn of events that you absolutely could not have convinced me of a year ago, I am back at the college I left in 2022, but not in student services. This time, I’m working in HR. Please hold your laughter and comments until the comment section; thank you.

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

I have been a compensation analyst for three days, so I’m pretty sure I’m halfway to being an expert. HAHAHAHA, kidding.

I’m working remotely, but I had a chance to meet the director and assistant director of my department in person on my first day, and then most of my coworkers in a Teams meeting + doing training. Everyone has been welcoming, kind, and helpful. I think I will fit in well on the team and the work is so nerdy I could cry tears of joy.



Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July