Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for August 2024

31 Things I am Grateful for August 2024

This month I am grateful for

  1. Cannoli

  2. My nieces teaching me how to make YouTube shorts

  3. Ice cream with Hannah

  4. 7 Brew coffee

  5. Working from home

  6. My plants

  7. The Olympics

  8. Thoughtful friends

  9. Christopher

  10. S’mores for s’mores day

  11. Cute gold medal snacks for the Olympics closing ceremony

  12. Finally getting to pick up Lucy’s ashes

  13. Bring able to paint my nails and let them dry while I type at work

  14. Homemade creamsicles for Creamsicle Day, even if they fell off the sticks

  15. Psych meds

  16. Fresh flowers

  17. 11 years of my sister-in-law being in the family

  18. State fair corn

  19. Getting mail from our nieces

  20. Elections

  21. Josh & Momma on TikTok

  22. Being able to watch the DNC coverage on HULU

  23. Library books

  24. Cute stamps for sending snail mail

  25. Curbside pickup

  26. The Paralympics

  27. Halloween decor is out

  28. Rainstorms

  29. New crystals for my rock collection

  30. My mom

  31. Fries

What are you grateful for this month? Let us know in the comments.

Summer Bucket List Recap

Summer Bucket List Recap