The Hofreiters

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29 Things I am Grateful for February 2024

This month I’m grateful for:

  1. Facetiming with my nieces

  2. Burger King french toast sticks

  3. Live music at the brewery with Christopher and Dad

  4. Lucy snuggles

  5. Cozy blankets

  6. Fresh flowers

  7. Some of my plants are still alive after two winters in VA

  8. A new diner with an excellent corn dog

  9. Dipped cones

  10. Usher’s Super Bowl halftime show

  11. Another year of Dad

  12. Dunkin munchkin skewers

  13. Advil

  14. My forever Valentine

  15. Hot showers

  16. Glitter

  17. Berry crisp

  18. Flowers starting to bloom

  19. Flurries

  20. Superstore (TV show)

  21. TikTok

  22. Another year of little M

  23. Popsicles

  24. Text messaging

  25. New pens

  26. New stickers

  27. Christopher being my chaperone while I have no voice

  28. Chick-fil-A Coke with the good ice in an environmentally devastating foam cup

  29. LEAP DAY

February ended up being a really hard month. I was really struggling with my mental health and ended up catching the non-covid, non-flu, virus that’s been going around. I was seriously sick for a few days and then another week of mildly sick, and I’m still coughing. I’m on day 15 of no voice, which if you know me at all, you know this is my absolute nightmare. When my mom told my nieces I lost my voice, the 9-year-old said, “But who is Natalie without her voice”, and girl I don’t know. My poor family must be so bored without my constant commentary. I feel so bad for them.

I hope your February was filled with love and leaps.