Natalie & Christopher in Germany

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We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

12 Days of Baking - Day 3: Chocolate Chip Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 3: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are a classic. Who doesn't love them?! They are so buttery, sweet, and full of  little bits of chocolate. It's pretty much the best handheld treat. Except for maybe donuts. This is another cookie that I follow the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip package. I use either Nestle or Ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips. The recipes are no joke almost exactly the same with ONE tiny difference, the Ghiradelli calls for 1tsp more vanilla extract than the Nestle. They are both delicious.

We have our cookie basics. Butter, sugars, flower, baking soda, salt, vanilla, and of course the chocolate chips. See recipe below.

As I said in the Andes Mint cookie post, I don't use very many tricky secret recipes around here.

Cream your butter and sugars. Mmmmm!!! Cookies!!

Slowly add the flour and mix as you go.

Once your dough base is all mixed together, stir in the chocolate chips. If you like nuts toss those in now too. Or if you don't like chocolate, just skip the chocolate chips and bake the base. It's really yummy, I promise.

Get out your handy dandy scoop and start scooping those babies right on to a cookie sheet.

I froze this pan of dough so that's why they are so close together. Give them a little more breathing room for baking.

Then enjoy your treasures with a glass or milk or egg nog, orhot chocolate, or whatever makes you feel Christmasy.

In case you missed it: 

Day 1: Peanut Butter Blossoms

Day 2: Andes Mint Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 4: Chocolate Chocolate Chunk with Bacon

12 Days of Baking - Day 4: Chocolate Chocolate Chunk with Bacon

12 Days of Baking - Day 2: Andes Mint Cookies

12 Days of Baking - Day 2: Andes Mint Cookies